
Journeys into Consciousness 31 - Being-ness , Experiencing the Oneness, Raising our vibration
By:Host: Ian Jones
Date: Wed,29 Sep 2010
Submitter:Guest: Gregory Haye
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Topics Discussed:
'Being-ness and experiencing the oneness', 'Identity and Ego', 'Infinite Universe', 'Celistine Prophecy – Raising our vibrational Index of Your Body', 'New Technology on the horizon', 'UFO Disclosure, UK Seal Mystery Explored'
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Being-ness and experiencing the oneness.
Gregory discussed the state of being-ness and oneness that certain guru’s / seekers achieve through raising their vibrational index. This allows them to change their metabolism so they no longer need to sustain themselves on heavy foods and can in fact live on a small leaf for example, or indeed just Light. He suggested that it’s a state of being that’s not easy to sustain. Most people would attain it as an experiment and return to a more grounded existence.
Identity and Ego
Would we lose our sense of who we are if we truly lost our identity or ego, is this something we would truly wish to attain? What does it mean to lose our ego?
Infinite Universe
Was there a beginning? Is our universe just a grain of sand in an infinite collection of universes that make up the multiverse, which had always existed?
Celistine Prophecy – Raising our vibrational Index of Your Body
We discussed the concept of raising our vibrational index to phase out of this reality or disappear much like the characters at the end of the book, Celestine Prophecy.
New Technology on the horizon
Blindness could be cured using existing eye tissue .
A persons thoughts could be read and visually displayed by technology in the near future or even now using radio waves.
Even transporting matter is becoming possible now, which could eventually lead to the beam me up Scotty scenario.
Is Technology at odds with spirituality or can it be used in bal
Gregory also discussed the dangers of using Blue Tooth and the effects of Microwaves used by mobile phones and masts being built near schools. There is a real danger here, so people should limit use of Blue Tooth headsets and mobile phones, especially children.
UFO Disclosure
Disclosure is now happening more and more , with it even being taken a bit more seriously by the main stream media. Gregory confirmed that this is set to continue, with UFO displays happening that even governments won’t be able to explain away.
UK Seal Mystery Explored
Gregory explored two concerns around the Seals. There are those that are being killed by “others” that are not from here, however we are also impacting on them through fertilisers that run off into the sea.
All these subjects are covered in depth within the show. Do tune in and have a listen.
And much more...
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