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New Book - Mirror Image - Facts and Solutions to Inherited Generational Trauma and Absorption (IGTA). By Joy Wisdom
Groundbreaking factual exploration on stress and trauma. A new phenomenon to why we are prone to suffer irrational fears, depression, trauma and anxiety through mind blowing, unexpected avenues.
Recent trails have shown how Holocaust survivors, have passed on their adverse fears and terror to third and fourth generations. Suffering depression and anxiety through no fault of their own. Inherited via utero, passed on via ancient generation living. Bigger than holocaust survivors, the author suggests that this is a vast problem that is not being recognised or dealt with. We collect stats, but no solution exists. With ongoing adverse stress and trauma affecting future generations. Essentially, affecting any off spring from survivors of trauma, abuse and war.
Trials have shown our grandparents smoking has damaged fertility in granddaughters, obesity and disorders such as Diabetes in grandsons. Biological conversions have followed through lineages and cultures to greater degrees and responsible for many of our ills today.
With mental health numbers going through the roof, early childhood depression and suicide growing daily. The facts and solutions presented in this book, bring a whole new perception to mental health, showing why medication and cognitive therapy is not enough. And quite frankly we need a new approach to emotional and psychological health. The book describes how the facts show a global issue, that is the tip of the ice berg with mental health and irrational behaviour.
Facts and solutions to how, we take on ancients behaviour, why we live second hand emotional fall out, depression and mental health issues. How hormonal and brain pathways are created and altered in Utero. Living intergenerational transference with subconscious drive, living ancient dominant influences, unknown on a conscious level. Driving daily life.
The book is packed with case studies with alternative approaches, with a New radical therapy solution, that is achieving huge success.
Today psychological influences are an all-time high. We are living a critical stage of evolution. If we want good health, to prevent and enhance conscious living, we need to include the bigger picture via our parental absorption and foetal origins. Science has proved Holocaust victim transferring horrors to cause depression in grandchildren. (My findings commonly show 90% of emotions and behaviour caused clients and students ills).
Inherited Generational Trauma and Absorption (IGTA) is vast and has links to us all in one way or another, continuing the cycle and circle of deprivation, psychological, emotional, biolo
gical and physical suffering. IGTA continues abuse and lack in our lives. IGTA is global, culture and lineage continue a reweave of ancient living, passed on via utero, held within anatomy, subconscious, with Reptilian (survival) brain dominance to drive repeated outcomes.
IGTA is responsible for our vengeance, intolerance, lower cognitive abilities, ADHD, Attachment disorder, addictions, psychological issues. Continues and perpetuates wars and injustice. Living in numbness closer to cyber/virtual existence, life and humanness is under threat. Who' is responsible for our internal and ancestral inherited cycle?
We live critical times from Cyber influences. The addiction to technology, iPhone and internet are changing our youngsters brain pathways and reducing thought processes, parents are more concerned about their face book page, gaming etc., than their children wellbeing. The negative side of technology is on its way to obliterate generations of evolution, humanity could be on a spiral of losing thousands of years of development in a generation!
The Facts and Solutions are explained
We urgently need to STOP the cycle of suffering. As anyone in their right mind would not want their grand and great grandchildren to suffer from lineage choices, dysfunctions and emotional deprivation. Although unconsciously live!
NEW Horizons - Joy Wisdom has developed a programme of solutions. A revolutionary one-to-one Therapy, that is gaining radical change in clients who suffer all types of dysfunction from IGTA. Desperate and broken people living unjust outcomes from no fault of their own are having amazing results in just two or three sessions. Dissolving suicidal thoughts, actions and reactions in double quick time.
Offers personal transformation training workshops, educating professionals and individuals. A package of solutions to resolve quickly and help prevent, live better outcomes and get your life back, with a clean slate for future generations, stopping video replay.
Live in good health and abundance once more.
`Embrace the ZEST for life'.
Books can be purchased from the authors website, amazon and good book shops: E books format
Joy Wisdom
A leading LiGHt for the Aquarian Age
Author, Tutor, Mentor; Inspirational speaker; Humanitarian; Founder of Allonus, D.A.R.E practitioners Therapy, LiGht Healing programme & OGP:
Clinical Body-Mind-Emotion practitioner - specialising in psychological issues - Women's and Children's Health
Awarded Inspirational Woman 2015; Awarded Practitioner of the Year 2018 01691 718927
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