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Planetary Transformation: The Coming New Earth
by Dolores Cannon
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away … — Revelation 21:1
My research in the field of hypnosis has taken me on unimaginable journeys through time and space to explore the history of the past and the possibilities of the future. When I first began my investigations through past life therapy, I thought I would only find people remembering lives on Earth, because naturally that was all we knew about.
My belief system has really been stretched and extended over the past 30 years. As my work progressed, I was given a great deal of information about the beginning of life on Earth. I was told that this is the time for this knowledge to come forth. We are moving into a new world, a new dimension, where this information will be appreciated and applied. During my work, I have heard much about everything being composed of energy; the shape and form is only determined by the frequency and vibration. Energy never dies; it only changes. I have been told that the Earth is changing its vibration and frequency and preparing to rise into a new dimension. There are countless dimensions surrounding us all the time. We cannot see them because as the vibrations speed up, they are invisible to our eyes. It is important for us to know more about this shift to a new dimension because it is coming soon.
Earth is a school that we go to and learn lessons, but it is not the only school. You have lived on other planets and in other dimensions. You have done many, many things you cannot even imagine. Many of the people I have worked with in the last few years have regressed to lifetimes where they were light beings living in a state of bliss. They had no reason to come into the Earth’s density and negativity. They volunteered to come to help mankind and the Earth at this time. I have encountered what I consider to be three waves of these new souls who are living on Earth. They have come at this time because most of those who have been here for lifetime after lifetime have become bogged down in karma and are not advancing. They have lost sight of the purpose for being here.
The first wave of these souls, now in their late 40s to early 60s, had the most difficult time adjusting. They didn’t like the violence and ugliness they found in this world and wanted to return “home” — even though they had no conscious idea where that might be. The second wave is now in their late 20s and early 30s. They are moving through life much too easily. They are generally focused on helping others, creating no karma, and normally going unnoticed. The third wave is the new children, many of whom are now in their teens. They have come in with all the knowledge needed, on an unconscious level. Their DNA has already been altered and they are prepared to proceed with little or no problems.
The question has been asked whether there will be a fourth wave. It will not be necessary, because something else is going to happen: we are moving into a New Earth — the first time it has ever happened in the history of the universe. Many civilizations have perished down through history because of man. Atlantis was one example, but there were many others.
Each of these civilizations had tremendous advances. They had psychic abilities; they could do anything with their minds. The men of those times wanted more — power and greed — so eventually they violated the laws of the universe and they had to be brought down. Each time this happened, some humans were left to start civilization over again. This has happened time after time after time.
… Many civilizations have disappeared from the Earth without a trace. Among these are the Mayans, the Anasazi, and many others. During regressions, I have had people go back to those times. Each of these ancient cultures evolved spiritually to a point that their entire civilization moved into a higher dimension. The Mayans saw that the next great advancement was going to be when the entire world would shift into a higher dimension. This is what they saw happening in 2012. It is not the end of the world; it is when the entire world moves into a new dimension.
The transition began around 2003. The culmination is going to be in 2012. Time is speeding up. Earth’s frequencies and vibrations are changing. But not everyone is going to go, just as it says in the Bible: “Then two shall be in the field; the one will be taken, the other left.” It is very real. When the transformation reaches its peak in 2012, the energy becomes so strong that it will push the Earth into the new dimension. There will not be anything dramatic; it will be very subtle, very slow, and only those who are really aware will know anything is happening. Things will look different and feel different. The old Earth is where we are going to have all the catastrophes, and these are going to increase because the Earth is lifting itself as it shifts. You cannot change your frequency or vibration immediately; it would be too strong and would destroy your body. It has to be done in stages. Many of us can sense on another level of our being that something is happening. With the changes subtly going on around us, our physical bodies must also change in order to adjust. Some of these physical symptoms are unpleasant and cause concern. Just be aware of what is happening: the body is adjusting and adapting to different energy levels so it can move on.
(The above was taken from the Light Of Consciousness magazine, Vol. 22, No. 2, Summer 2010. Dolores Cannon is a hypnotherapist who specializes in past life regressions. For the past 30 years, through her clients, she has been receiving messages from extraterrestrial entities about what we can expect as we near 2012.)
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