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Allan Kardec
Spiritism by Allan Kardec
Over the last 25 years many societies have been formed in Britain for the study of Spiritism, these are collectively known as B.U.S.S. (British Union of Spiritist Societies). Bethnal Green now has a local group called Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society studying the Spiritist Doctrine.
Spiritism or Spiritist Doctrine is a science, philosophy and religion that deals with the nature of spirits, their origin and destiny, as well as their relationship with the earthly world. Based on the evolution of the human spirit throughout reincarnation, the teachings of Spiritism are a particularly valuable contribution to present day discussions upon the nature of suffering, paranormal phenomena and the past, present and future of the human race.
The doctrine was codified in the middle of the 19th century by Allan Kardec, who was born as H. Leon Denizard Rivail, in Lyon, France in 1804. A French educator and philosopher, he founded a school that taught maths, French and science. Kardec also taught courses in comparative physiology, astronomy, chemistry and physics leading him to conduct investigations into the paranormal. In 1857 he published The Spirits' Book. It is a book of questions made by him concerning the immortality of the soul, the creation and functioning of the universe and spiritual, physical and moral laws in turn answered by Spirits through different mediums in different countries. Subsequently he was guided to prepare five other books, these being: The Mediums' Book, What is Spiritism, The Gospel According to Spiritism, The Genesis, and Heaven & Hell.
Spiritism is studied in some 23 countries; these include most South and Central American countries, Mexico, USA and Europe including Great Britain. I

The Spirits' Book
t is important to note that there is nothing of the usual religious hierarchy in the Spiritist Doctrine. There are no ministers or clergy, no robes or religious ceremonies, no rituals, images or incense. Everything speaks of simplicity and a total lack of any adornment. Because of this it has become a veritable Doctrine, based wholly on the teachings of Jesus. Spiritism does its best to follow the guide lines set down by Jesus, amongst which it is said: 'The best way to teach is by your example,' therefore, these teachings in all their simplicity, have a special strength as each person is shown the way to go and then left to make their own free-will choice.
Spiritism is for people of all walks of life, of all beliefs, races, education or intellectual skill. Its great strength is in its logic and rationality. For those who have adopted these teachings and the knowledge they offer, LIFE becomes a certainty and not a collection of doubts. They know why they are here, where they have come from, what they are doing and where they will go to afterwards. Existence has continuity and purpose. Despair no longer exists as a result of having an inner tranquillity and strength to face problems and find solutions. Instead anxiety is replaced by conformity, peace of mind and a certainty of greater happiness in the future. For the ones that adopt or are interested in the Spiritist Doctrine this is the time of a new epoch for earthly humanity.
Spiritist meetings in this area are held on Sundays from 2:30pm to 5:30 pm at Oxford House in Bethnal Green, Derbyshire Street, London, E2 6HG.
For information please contact Luis del Nero
Tel: 020 8673 5224, , or 07879 494 514
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