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The informed universe is where the Akashic Field is a real and significant element within the multi-universes. It is within this field that the universe is a mind of boggling coherence of intelligence. What happens in one place also happens simultaneously at other places and what happens at a specific space/time also happens in other times in a special coherence where everything is linked in a consistency of universal thought. Nothing is local which means no limit to where and when something is happening or occurring, All things that traverse in the multi-universes do so through non local space, as all things are cosmic or seen as a universal source of intelligence as it holds all memories of all that has been created, it is like a multi holographic whole carrying events of all that has been created since the universes were born. It is this concept of the informed universe that brings science and spirituality as one and it is this unity that needs to be understood.
The informed universe is not a universe of separate things and events of extended spectators, but a unity of events all being in coherence with each other hidden in the quantum fields or ethereal realms of universal energies. Unlike the main stream of science, it is not of the materialistic, nor can it be studied under laboratory conditions, because it is not made up of matter which is the stuff made from particles, atoms,or molecules which are joined up with cells tissues and organisms which we relate to as the five elements. The informed universe is made up of many various energies in quantum sized energy wave packets which act as a transformation signal by sending energy wave patterns to each other.
In our present day new theories are coming to light similar to the theoretical idea that mystics and other spiritual pioneers have been saying for many years that the informed universe creates everything we see and cant see and that it is not just matter in the universe that creates, but an underlying invisible source. There are many amazing things being created in the universes of space that even the best science fiction writers could not dream up, the most amazing feature of the informed universe is that matter is not a fundamental feature, but that everything which happens in it affects and informs everything else. If you look at the sea and the tides and motion of the sea look how it effects all that is within the sea and in the surrounding areas of the sea.
Look at this analogy about a huge aquarium, a metaphor to how things can work. Imagine you are standing in front of a huge aquarium and in this aquarium there are many varieties of fish swimming about inside and as you watch them you see little bubbles of air rising from the electric filter that gives the fish air to breathe, when suddenly two mini toy moterised submarines are put into the aquarium and sink half way down, this arouses the fishes attention and they scatter out of the way of the mini submarines, but once the water settles, the fish resume their normal pace of swimming. Now if you look closely at the motion of the submarines you will notice that they weave and bob about with the movement of the fish and not against it they are even in resonance with the rising bubbles of air, so when these mini submarines are switched on they glide through the water creating little underwater currents that draw in the fish and cause the plants to sway. It is the same motion on a canal where there are boats passing and ducks swimming, the reaction of the ducks is to swim away from the passing boats which creates a little turbulence its in this way that one can see motion has an impact on everything including that in the aquarium, every fish, pebble, plant and toy submarine is connected and affected by the motion created through the water in the aquarium just as it does in the sea.
Although you cannot see it, the waves carry not only motion but information and this information is carried through the consciousness within the energies that each wave carries which effects all other wave energies around it making a source of collective information carried on the waves of the sea. Now if you look at the bigger picture and see a submarine in the sea, when fishes or a whale comes close to the submarine you will have two codes of energy data or two forms of consciousness carried onto two waves of energy, but as the waves collide the submarine, the fishes and the whale mutually influence each other because they recognise each others presence not just through their seeing each other in the physical, but through their own individual consciousness. Its the wave rippling through on other waves and sending out coherent signals which conveys to each other their location speed and size. This is done through universal consciousness which sends out their consciousness and links it to all other consciousness within the universe and within the planet. It is in this way that you are looking at a simple model of the universal source intelligence according to the theory of the Akashic field and it is in this theory that the underlying physical reality can be found because it is a huge holographic field of energy which not only holds within it everything be it a particle, atom, molecule, insect, bird or human, they are all connected with each other in terms of energy consciousness. All things affect each other through wave pressures that literally shape all the things around us.
There are a few important differences between the sea/ aquarium model and the Akashic field of the informed universe, in the sea/aquarium there is a wave formation as well as a physical force because you can feel the impact of the wave under the water. But in the Akashic field the waves carry information without any physical force meaning you cant feel the force of anything not even movement. Also the sea/aquarium waves travel at a relativity bound by earth speeds of its own gravity, but in the A or Akashic field it can travel faster than the speed of light as it travels through the consciousness of thought of universal intelligence. This high speed of information transmits accounts for events that appear to be synchronised over great distance of time and space. This information comes from non localised phenomenon to local time space matter. A simple way of seeing this instantaneous movement of wave transition is to think how instantly every molecule in the body adjusts to the thousands of biochemical reactions which are produced every second or how a thought which suddenly enters your mind can also enter some one close to you at the same moment although not in the same location.
In the sea/aquarium what you see is what you get, you see the variations of the different colours of fish their size and so on, you see the various plants inside the sea/aquarium and the different size and colours of the pebbles on the bottom, but in the Akashic field of the informed universes each of the smallest building blocks of life that science call matter and what we call physical reality are all unseen potential in the many various states of energy consciousness. These energy waves that carry the various and many forms of potentialities only manifest when one of them is observed and the wave collapses into its actually state of manifestation which eventually becomes a reality of matter that we can see and observe. All is potential until it is observed by some form of universal intelligence/universal consciousness and once it is observed it can then manifest itself from the thought form of its being into the manifestation of what it was meant to create.
The Akashic field ties together all physical systems in a highly coherent whole, this means that pure chance or the role of the dice plays no fundamental role in the structure of a universal evolution. The A field continuously interacts with matter and anti matter at every level from subatomic particles to all other particles and elements found within all energies throughout the multi-universes in space. It is from these energies and the consciousness that they create that makes for a highly coherent world in which we live in as it influences the way every living thing grows adapts and evolves. All things are connected from the level of atoms, quarks and quantum fields to the innate matter of rocks to the growth of flora and fauna to the animal kingdom, to the carnivores and eventually human beings which in turn are influenced by a higher level all the way up the universal ladder of spiritual evolution and the mind of universal creation. It is this perspective that the cosmos is intrinsically creating, preserving and renewing the holographic imprints of all existence. The Akashic field is a virtual active memory source which renews the imprints of its presence to the multi holographic memory which in turn mirrors the reality of its being to us human beings and other realities on other species on our planet.
So as we look at our world on earth and what is happening upon it, think that all waves of actions which are energy are interconnected with everything else not only on an energy scale on earth but throughout the universes and this is why it is so important for us to understand that we are not separate as individuals on a consciousness scale as all our energies are woven into one whole, a giant cosmic human consciousness that travels throughout space. Once we all understand this concept then maybe we will begin to see a more peaceful world as we realise that we are part of one who consciousness designed by the intelligence of the universal source.
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