What is Distant Healing? (852) (Global)
By:Jackie Barber
Date: Wed,22 Jan 2025
Submitter:Jackie Barber
Distant (aka remote or absent) energy healing is a practice that taps into the belief that energy is not bound by physical limitations and ......View
The Real Vaccine (1742) (Global)
By:William T. Hathaway
Date: Sun,09 Jan 2022
Submitter:William T. Hathaway
By William T. Hathaway
Our world now writhes like a wounded worm, helpless
to escape its torment, blind
to the cause but blaming
a b......View
Sally’s Well-being Manual (1752) (Global)
By:Sally Peace
Date: Mon,10 Aug 2020
Submitter:Sally Peace
Sally’s Well-being Manual
1. I visualise what you want to experience. I find this easiest to do when I write and visualise what I am wr......View
Pause for just 20 seconds.... (2307) (Global)
By:Steph Wilson
Date: Sat,11 May 2019
Submitter:Steph Wilson
As I sit and write this I'm aware of the birds happily singing outside, my little dog snoring as he sleeps, the light breeze coming through......View
Stress and How to reduce it (3051) (Global)
By:Sheila Williams
Date: Sun,05 Aug 2018
Submitter:Sheila Williams
Feeling stress, makes you feel tired. To reduce the feeling of stress and tiredness. Take a step back from the problem or situation, try an......View
Mindfulness (3145) (Global)
By:Sheila Williams
Date: Thu,26 Jul 2018
Submitter:Sheila Williams
Mindfulness works in two ways: firstly it is simply being in the moment and focusing your attention on what you are doing. It means that yo......View
Positive thinking (3086) (Global)
By:Sheila Williams
Date: Thu,26 Jul 2018
Submitter:Sheila Williams
Look for something positive in each day. Some days it may take a bit more effort to find something good in your day. Do something to make y......View
Stress and How to deal with it (2616) (Global)
By:Sheila Williams
Date: Thu,26 Jul 2018
Submitter:Sheila Williams
Feeling stress, makes you feel tired. To reduce the feeling of stress and tiredness. Take a step back from the problem or situation, try an......View
I'm On The Cancer Train...! (12734) (Essex)
By:Chrissie Batten
Date: Sun,02 Oct 2016
Submitter:Chrissie Batten
Having not written anything for the last couple of years, because of health problems, I’ve decided to resume writing at this time, because ......View
Spring Clean (18791) (Global)
By:Randhiraj Bilan
Date: Fri,26 Feb 2016
Eliminating Toxins
Time for a spring clean! The spring equinox is the best time for the body to eliminate toxins and when the body can ......View
Chakradance (12788) (Global)
By:Chris Wykes Driver
Date: Sun,16 Aug 2015
CHAKRADANCE is a dance practice for body and soul. It’s a
powerful experience that will free and energize you. It
They Live Without Sleep! (11877) (Global)
By:The Milwaukee Sentinel
Date: Thu,25 Dec 2014
Submitter:Adept Yogi
The Milwaukee Sentinel - May 7, 1950
For more than half a century, a kindly physician named Dr. Ferdinando Pavoni was famous in the Berg......View
Zebra Crossings Are Not Safe! (13387) (Essex)
By:Chrissie Batten
Date: Sat,08 Nov 2014
Submitter:Chrissie Batten
Last December my sister got knocked down by a mini-cab, as she was crossing the road on a zebra crossing. The speed limit in that area was......View
Positively Lighter (11035) (Global)
By:Dawn Rumsey & Sylvia Carey
Date: Wed,01 Oct 2014
Submitter:Dawn Rumsey
Special offer for October, join us today!
Positively Lighter is an easy to follow detailed plan, created to help you maintain a healthy ......View
Free Health Guidance (10559) (Global)
By:Sally Pain
Date: Sun,27 Jul 2014
Submitter:Sally's Guidance
Source gives you a way of being healthy, by guiding you back by your feelings. When you feel emotionally less good then you are further awa......View
Invisible Changes...! (12712) (Essex)
By:Chrissie Batten
Date: Tue,08 Jul 2014
Submitter:Chrissie Batten
Regardless of what happens to us, and how debilitated we become, or feel, we must know that life goes on...not just for others, but for us ......View
Beating addiction (12386) (Global)
By:Alyssa Cruise
Date: Mon,24 Feb 2014
Submitter:Alyssa cruise (indigo child)
Angel’s helped me to combat addiction.
When I was younger some family members smoked, they we not aware of the dangers of smoking as man......View
It is Good to be Good by TSM (13473) (Global)
Date: Mon,27 Jan 2014
Submitter:Elsa Rossi
It is Good to be Good
The Spiritist Magazine interviews Dr. Stephen Post regarding his decades of research and analysi......View
Release...! (149882) (Global)
By:Chrissie Batten
Date: Fri,15 Nov 2013
Submitter:Chrissie Batten
Mirroring resistance is futile when there are issues to be resolved. So dealing with problems is paramount, if you want to start feeling r......View
Feng Shui for Windows (12167) (Global)
By:Trish Kershaw
Date: Mon,21 Oct 2013
Submitter:Luna Holistics
The basic rule behind this is simplicity itself. A good view will not only increase the value of your home but it will also encourage excel......View
Getting unstuck…! (26148) (Global)
By:Chrissie Batten
Date: Thu,29 Aug 2013
Submitter:Chrissie Batten
Sometimes, when we feel stuck, we don’t realise that we’re not actually moving anywhere, because we’ve reached a crossroads in our life whe......View
Suicide – The long, dark tunnel…! (22516) (Global)
By:Chrissie Batten
Date: Thu,15 Aug 2013
Submitter:Chrissie Batten
I’m prompted to write this post because of the many cases of suicide I’m hearing about lately! Each time I hear another person has killed ......View
Yearning...! (21876) (Global)
By:Chrissie Batten
Date: Thu,20 Jun 2013
Submitter:Chrissie Batten
This YEARNING feeling can cause us so many problems, pushing us to do this or that, and sometimes freezing us in our tracks because we don’......View
LIFE...! (16767) (Global)
By:Chrissie Batten
Date: Sun,03 Mar 2013
Submitter:Chrissie Batten
Life brings challenges in all forms, that we have to somehow find a way to cope with. But it’s not always easy. And when we lose......View
Everyone Matters! (11098) (Global)
By:Chrissie Batten
Date: Thu,13 Dec 2012
Submitter:Chrissie Batten
I know it may sound corny, and I know you’ve probably heard it said a million times or more. But today I’m taking the risk to say it once ......View
Inner child healing (8418) (Wiltshire)
By:Natalie Lewis
Date: Tue,11 Dec 2012
Submitter:Natalie Lewis
We all know that our environment, culture and the way in which we were brought up has had an effect on us during our lives. But what if the......View
On Fasting (9480) (Norfolk)
By:Peace Pilgrim
Date: Mon,10 Dec 2012
Submitter:Paul Smith
''I have been asked about my forty-five day period of prayer and fasting. I undertook it as a prayer discipline, to keep me concentrated on......View
‘Who am I?’ – A time for change! (22141) (Global)
By:Chrissie Batten
Date: Wed,05 Dec 2012
Submitter:Chrissie Batten
I’m sure I’m not the only person asking themselves ‘Who Am I?’ at this moment in time, where as the pressure of futility increases, due to ......View
A Spntaneous Post! (10185) (Global)
By:Chrissie Batten
Date: Sun,04 Nov 2012
Submitter:Chrissie Batten
This wasn’t the post I intended to write, but it sort of became A Spontaneous Post that surfaced within me, that needed to be released from......View
Belly Dance (9851) (N-Ireland)
By:Saeeda and Sara
Date: Tue,23 Oct 2012
Why Women should Belly Dance
Belly dance is for most an out of reach world
The thing about it is that not too many women accomplish t......View
A Place To Share! (11447) (Global)
By:Chrissie Batten
Date: Sat,06 Oct 2012
Submitter:Chrissie Batten
I’d been feeling unsettled for some time, about the turbulence and uncertaintly in so many of our lives, including mine.
‘Is there no-......View
Suffering in Silence! (10200) (Global)
By:Chrissie Batten
Date: Wed,26 Sep 2012
Submitter:Chrissie Batten
So many blogs I’m reading are about the writer sharing their painful experiences. Where readers comment and share their own experiences, a......View
The Energy Connection! (10239) (Global)
By:Chrissie Batten
Date: Wed,19 Sep 2012
Submitter:Chrissie Batten
Because spiritual influences are helping our soul evolve beyond our reactive ego personality, by encouraging us to identify, clarify, devel......View
Should I Have a Pet? (16178) (Global)
By:Donna Butt
Date: Sat,25 Aug 2012
Submitter:Donna Butt
Should I have a pet? Do you think about the idea of getting a pet or pets? If so you need to think carefully unless you are anticipating g......View
The Power of 'NO'! (12693) (Global)
By:Chrissie Batten
Date: Thu,09 Aug 2012
Submitter:Chrissie Batten
Over the years I’ve discovered that life moves us through various traumatic stages that have a beginning and end. The purpose of these sta......View
Reiki for Animals (12191) (West Midlands & Warks)
By:Samantha Dickens
Date: Tue,03 Jul 2012
Submitter:Samantha Dickens
Is Reiki beneficial to animals? or is it that the animals call for the healer to heal their owners?
Having worked with numerous differe......View
Annie's Song (14589) (International)
By:Jack Schimmelman
Date: Tue,03 Jul 2012
Submitter:Jack Schimmelman
The table is set and nicely filled with the meal of the day. Ann sits, straight back, eyes blazing, joining her family in an enthusiastic ......View
There is Life After Breakdown! (11729) (Global)
By:Chrissie Batten
Date: Wed,25 Apr 2012
Submitter:Chrissie Batten
There Is Life After Breakdown!
Life is glorious, life is magical, but life is so bloody hard at times, I’m amazed that so many of us sur......View
How Do Toxins Affect Diabetes? (11789) (Global)
By:Caroline Nettle
Date: Thu,05 Apr 2012
Submitter:Caroline Nettle
What is diabetes and why is it one of the top three most common health disorders in our society today?
Diabetes is a serious hormonal an......View
How Can Zeolites Help Our Pets? (11738) (Global)
By:Caroline Nettle
Date: Wed,28 Mar 2012
Submitter:Caroline Nettle
Many people consider their pets to be part of the family and the amount of money that is spent annually on feeding, grooming, treating and ......View
FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK (13181) (Global)
By:Allan Kardec - The GAS
Date: Wed,28 Mar 2012
Submitter:Elsa Rossi
Illness belongs to the tests and vicissitudes of earthly life.
It is inherent in the grossness of our material nature and in the inferi......View
Habits of Highly Healthy People (10935) (Global)
By:Lucy Pemberton-Platt
Date: Tue,13 Mar 2012
Submitter:Lucy Pemberton-Platt
Habits of highly healthy people
Do you ever feel as if your heart is weighed down by over indulgence? Eating too much, drinking too much......View
Life Balancing Bergamot (15129) (Global)
By:Andrea Elliott
Date: Sat,18 Feb 2012
Submitter:Andrea Elliott
For years I have picked perfume with Bergamot essential oil. My scent of choice for a long time was Truth by Calvin Klein.
Not one of th......View
Mystical Crystals (11558) (Global)
By:Andrea Elliott
Date: Fri,18 Nov 2011
Submitter:Andrea Elliott
Our home is full of crystals. Crystal balls, crystal jewellery, crystal slices, crystal palmstones, crystal carvings, crystal books; you na......View
HEALTH by Divaldo Franco (24083) (London)
By:Joanna de Angelis
Date: Wed,16 Nov 2011
Submitter:E Rossi
In psychic terms the Universal and Divine Mind envelops us all.
According to the ethical directives of equilibrium and order, that ebb and......View
A Brief insight into Reiki Healing (11237) (Global)
By:Helen Lawson M.diphyp GQHP BSYA (Ad. Crys)
Date: Sun,16 Oct 2011
Submitter:Helen Lawson M.diphyp GQHP BSYA (Ad. Crys)
A brief insight into Reiki Healing:
As a Usui Reiki Master, I use this natural healing method to channel healing energy, through my hand......View
By:Elsa Rossi
Date: Sat,08 Oct 2011
Submitter: e rossi
Dear Friend
Re: Invitation to the 3rd British Congress on Medicine & Spirituality – London 2011
We would like to invite you to partic......View
Diary of an anti yoga detox hippy… (20109) (Global)
By:Tiffany Crosara
Date: Fri,23 Sep 2011
Submitter:Tiffany Crosara
Have they sent you a pre detox diet? My friend the fitness instructor enquires, as I indulge in yet another pepsi max and maltesers session......View
The Pit of Despair! (10364) (Global)
By:Chrissie Batten
Date: Thu,22 Sep 2011
Submitter:Chrissie Batten
Unexpressed thoughts, feelings and emotions can’t be released until our attention is given to them, so if we ignore ......View
The Freedom of Releasing Guilt (8678) (Bristol)
By:Kat Day
Date: Tue,02 Aug 2011
I have been drawn to write this because it will resonate within the hearts of some of you who read it...
My spiritual journey has accele......View
The Effects of Stress! (10228) (Global)
By:Chrissie Batten
Date: Tue,12 Jul 2011
Submitter:Chrissie Batten
There’s so much conflict in life to agitate us nowadays, that most of us are feeling the effects of stress one way or another. Common sympt......View
We Are All Wounded Soldiers of Life (9423) (Essex)
By:Chrissie Batten
Date: Mon,27 Jun 2011
Submitter:Chrissie Batten
Whilst it would be rather nice to be recognised for being helpful to society, the whole point of my writing is to emphasise the fact that ......View
Psychic Surgery (18850) (Essex)
By:Sally Pain
Date: Sun,12 Jun 2011
I had seen a psychic surgeon work a few years ago and had had the message come through loud and clear in my head at the time that I could/......View
Metamorphic Technique for Parents (9437) (Global)
By:Dominique Meeroff
Date: Thu,09 Jun 2011
Submitter:Dominique Meeroff
All children go through tricky patches: changing schools, a best friend moves away, a new baby arrives, and the challenge of peer pressure......View
Greenhill New Church Workshop (102017) (Global)
By:Wendy Stokes
Date: Sun,10 Apr 2011
Submitter:Wendy Stokes
“Symbols, Cycles and Soul” was the title of a day workshop facilitated by a Jungian therapist and Swedenborgian, Helen Brown, at Greenhill ......View
Think slim, think spirituality!! (12123) (Global)
By:Rachel Goodwin
Date: Fri,08 Apr 2011
Submitter:Rachel Goodwin
As an intuitive hypnotherapist and healer of eight years, I'm often asked about weight loss and what can be done to help.
I've run group......View
Healing Other People (11927) (Global)
Date: Mon,28 Mar 2011
Submitter:Tamasin McGregor
Have you ever instinctively held someones hand when you know they need you to? Whether it is a child, an adult, a parent, grandparent or n......View
We are all healers (10547) (Global)
Date: Mon,07 Feb 2011
Submitter:Tamasin McGregor
I do believe that everyone can learn to heal. We are all self-healers.
Our bodies naturally heal. If we have a cut or a scratch, left a......View
Spirit and Distant Healing Part 3 (3911) (Global)
By:Richard Rowley
Date: Wed,25 Aug 2010
Submitter:Richard Rowley
Cases of spirit and distant healing (3)
Spirit and distant healing (3) Healing notes from Sylvia Browne's
new book, and more from Br......View
Healing Crystals (12102) (Cornwall)
By:Elizabeth Francis
Date: Tue,23 Mar 2010
Submitter:Elizabeth Francis
The healing qualities crystals has been known about and used for aeons and they are now form an integral part of vibrational energy healing......View
Managing soaring food prices (5046) (Essex)
Date: Wed,09 Sep 2009
The world is currently reeling under four-F crisis, a catastrophe of melting financial market, food insufficiency, low fuel price and the s......View
Future of Food (12071) (Global)
Date: Fri,04 Sep 2009
There is a revolution going on in the farm fields and on the dinner tables of America, a revolution that is transforming the very nature of......View